The best solution for file transferring

Zendbit Cargo

Transferring a file has never
been so fast

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Our Technology

Zendbit Cargo is a client-server file transfer and folder synchronization software that uses the UDSP (Unidirectional Data Stream Protocol) over the IP/UDP stack as a data transport. This protocol optimizes the use of available bandwidth between two hosts interconnected through the Internet, where many times the latency is high, maximizing the speed of data transfer between them. It is aimed at the flow of packets guaranteeing the order, tolerance and reliability of the data.

The congestion control algorithm used was specially developed to minimize the loss of packets using an active prediction method of the available speed based on the Round Time Trip.

TCP, UDSP and other comercial protocol


It guarantees better performance than any other data transport protocol.

Easy to integrate

It has a complete suite of libraries and api to integrate easily with any system.


It allows AES 128/256 encryption on the data stream.


No bandwidth limit.

Cargo Server

Zendbit Cargo Server

Cargo Server provides an interface to Cargo Client for downloading and uploading files. It has an administration interface to manage the global connection parameters and each client's specific parameters. It also has a dashboard to monitor active transfers and history. Cargo Server is available in both the on-premise and cloud versions.

Cargo Client & DataSync

Zendbit Cargo & DataSync

It allows the user to connect to a Zendbit Cargo and interact with it through two operation modes:

  • Interactive client

    Like an ftp client, the user can browse and create directories, as well as upload, download and delete files.

  • DataSync

    It uses active standby to find new local or remote files and performs the action corresponding to its configuration by sending or downloading the detected files.

Cargo Client Compatibility

Available for Windows, macOS X and GNU/Linux


Frequently Asked Questions

The protocol is called UDSP (Unidirectional Data Stream Protocol) and was exclusively designed for the transport of data over the Internet.
UDSP was developed for networks with a high BDP (Bandwidth-delay product), known as LFN (Long Fat Network).
More information
Yes, an asymmetric, home-based link can be used to transfer files over the Internet using Zendbit Cargo
It is not recommended to use Zendbit for local area networks but rather to use another file transfer protocol that runs directly over TCP.

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